The idea behind these meetings is to
. meet and share with other visionary people in Europe
. prepare the Vision Caravan 2018 September – November
Since we are all quite busy my vision is to keep those meetings short, structured and heart-based.
We have an hour and a half in which we will share
. the projects we are involved in
. what´s going on in our lives
. vision, support and inspiration
. how to make the vision caravan a really great experience for all
Please bring:
. visionary friends and colleagues
. anything you would like to share with this group (we already had prayers, poems, songs, etc.)
. a bowl of water for a short water ceremony
Please confirm if you can attend and INVITE your visionary friends to your place wherever that may be. It is even more fun with more people..
Thanks for all the beautiful projects and energy that you keep alive!
Lots of love and hopefully until next week!
If you ask yourself what the Vision Caravan was all about check it out on our website: www.vision-caravan.org (it´s under construction but still has all the information)
In the future there will be more gatherings like that so if you cannot make it to this one, don´t worry 